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OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

So the MC shows/displays a fraction of his power and now all of a sudden she wants to be his "wife" and embracing the title lmao?? Shows how women change like the wind, one moment you're useless trash and the next you're her precious husband that she was rude to and rejected. Women only respect money, power and status, now she's confessing her love for him and even touching (hugging) him, was sad he left so she ran after him to be together.

Robert • 1 year ago

Singular fact in life, well that and death and taxes

Tung Sten Long • 1 year ago

Oh, now she knows she's his wife? Lol

Robert • 1 year ago

True love bro lol

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Yo I just wrote that too, that was hilarious now she's embracing the title "wife" and giving hugs lmao.

Tung Sten Long • 1 year ago

Nvm that. Now she wants to travel with him and even goes as far as concocting goes reason to do so. Lmao aiya! Women. Can't live with em. Can't live without em.

Robert • 1 year ago

She better be giving more than just hugs as his wife.

Aerlis Ambrosius • 1 year ago

Feels like the end

Tung Sten Long • 1 year ago

Did have an end of season vibe didn't it.

Oahn • 1 year ago

Well that was contradictory, they want all the magic swords together but don't want the mc to successfully do it?

Sly Echo • 6 months ago

Even the horse disagreed after she made her damn statement about wanting to be his wife for real now, the horse is only the real G here.

iamatgg • 1 year ago

MC is a monk, but I like his demon sword persona is actually more human. Hope next show has better animation.

sheryl vos • 1 year ago


Robert • 1 year ago

Damn she was one foxy lady RIP